No Promises

No resolutions for 2023. If the past three years have taught us anything, it’s that nothing is certain. The joy of today can be quashed in a heartbeat by unanticipated, sometimes horrific reality. No, I have not abandoned my faith and Pollyanna approach to life; like you, I’ve just seen one reality-check after another in these days of Covid, inflation, RSV, flu, insane politics, wars everywhere, travel meltdowns, homelessness in ever-increasing numbers, devastating natural disasters… GASP! GASP! GASP!

What we have also seen is the generosity of one human toward another. Strength beyond imagining in people who lost homes and livelihood to fires and flood and war and more, people who, despite their own challenges, stepped in to help neighbors. We are not past the impact of devastation. Therein lies a whole other hill to climb and hopefully overcome. In the case of the Calf Canyon/Hermit’s Peak fire and subsequent flood, will insurance provide the means by which loss can be recovered? How or will FEMA help or hinder? What resources are available to get reliable answers?

The onslaught of lawyers promising the moon is mind-boggling! I’m not sure lawyers are the answer. Here is the link to FEMA if you don’t already have it:

Click below to open a two-page brochure with helpful information. The timeline extends into April 2023.

Below is my end-of-the-year poem. It is intended to be hopeful and maybe a wee bit helpful as we head into 2023. And really, when you think about it, January 1 is just another day. Be at peace with yourself and others, day by day.


There is reality in today,
hope in tomorrow.
Lean into the promise,
rest in the certainty
we live one day at a time
as best we can.
Let that be enough.
Some days will be wonderful,
some make us wonder –
how will I survive and thrive?
May the darkness of doubt
flee before the rising sun of hope
always on the horizon.

Unless otherwise indicated, all content on this site is created by me. I appreciate likes, shares, and comments.

12 thoughts on “No Promises

  1. Lovely poem Sharon. January 1st seems to want to lead us with new hope (hopefully)and possibilities. But yes, living in each moment one day at a time is my goal!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Sharon! Thanks for always sharing ! And Happy New Year! Let’s see what 2023 brings our way! I’m not trying to be your editor, but 2nd paragragh, 2nd sentence I think you meant imagining, rather than imaging??? See, I DO READ YOUR POSTS! Please, I am not trying to be critical! Martha

    Sent from my iPad

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    1. 🤣🤣🤣 Oh, my dear Martha – edit me all you want! No matter how many times I read over my stuff before posting, errors – like gremlins – wiggle in. Most important, thank you for reading my work. Any writer work their salt will appreciate feedback and learn from it!


  3. Thank you Mom Sharon. For your eloquent words, your honesty in sharing those things of concern in the space we live. Worldly and close to home. Thank you for maintaining hope and reminder of its true worth.

    May the hours and days ahead be kind to you. Please forgive me for saying in this forum, grateful to you beyond words.

    Wish all a magnificent year ahead. May the Meadows be free of fire, may those who lost find peace and recovery, may there be good water to replenish.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Sharon as always, you speak with knowledge and experience, in a way we can all understand weather it be prose or poetry. Thank you again for gently guiding us to love, forgiveness and hope. May the New Year bring you blessings. Gay

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